Reduce IT operational costs

Geetoo Cloud Compute effortlessly provides secure access to computational power via IaaS. Effortlessly create virtual servers or entire virtual data centers.

What are the benefits of Geetoo Cloud Compute?


Low cost

You always have enough power to tackle any project. You can start at any time and grow as needed at a price you know in advance.


Resource scalability

Geetoo Cloud is designed for a large number of virtual servers and data. This allows you to scale your applications elastically or grow in data volume. You are not limited by the boundaries of your own hardware.



Consumption of virtual servers is charged according to consumption in a given time period. You only pay for the resources you use. Save on direct investment costs and reduce the cost of operating and maintaining your infrastructure.


Guarantee of availability

Our cloud runs on professional components from leading manufacturers such as HPE, DELL and VMware. We guarantee SLA up to 99.99 %. So you don’t have to worry about the secure operation of your services and applications.

Why Cloud from us?

Substantiated experience

Ve světě moderních technologií se pohybujeme přes 20 let a stáli jsme u zrodu českého cloudu. Máme špičkové experty, jejichž znalosti jsou podpořené získanými certifikáty.


Geetoo cloud provozujeme ve špičkových TIER3 datacenterch, která patří k těm nejbezpečnějším v Evropě. Díky technologiím, jako jsou VPN, šifrování dat na storage, firewally a pokročilý virtualizační software, jsou Vaše data vždy v bezpečí.

Monitoring and support

Spolehlivost a dostupnost cloudu jsou kontinuálně monitorovány našimi specialisty. Podporu zákazníkům zajišťujeme česky v nepřetržitém provozu 24/7.

Virtual servers and data centres

You can run separate VMs on our cloud that run specific applications. Alternatively, build an entire viral data centre on top of it, replacing the physical hardware entirely.

Creating a hybrid cloud

The tools in Geetoo Cloud Compute are ready to connect your existing data centres to the cloud, where you can take advantage of both environments. 

How does the transition to the Geetoo cloud work?

1 Needs analysis
2 Proposal for a solution
3 Migration
4 Operation
5 Monitoring
Technologies we work with

Tomáš Belák, Chief of Design at Intelligent Studios, says:

„I would definitely recommend Geetoo. If I need tech support, I get it. There’s no chatbot. A good choice for us and definitely a partner for our future growth.”

Reliable cloud for developers

We helped Intelligent Studios set up an optimal and scalable cloud with a high availability guarantee.

Your success is at the heart of our mission

Join the hundreds of companies using the Geetoo cloud to grow.

The most FAQs about Geetoo Cloud Compute

What is Geetoo Cloud Compute?

Geetoo Cloud Compute is a service where you can easily consume compute, network and disk resources with the utmost focus on flexibility, availability and security.

Who is Geetoo Cloud Compute for?

Geetoo Cloud is suitable for companies running small applications or virtual server units, as well as for companies that need to run complex virtual data centers.

What are the most common usecase for use?

Geetoo Cloud Compute can be used to run simple standalone virtual servers that can be used to run specific applications. Typically, this involves the operation of e‑shops, e‑mail or database servers. At the same time, the product can also be used to build a comprehensive data center in the cloud.

What are the biggest benefits of Geetoo Cloud Compute?

Resource scaling flexibility, high availability and security. You can consume Geetoo Cloud Compute as a service, including all necessary licenses.

What infrastructure components does Geetoo Cloud Compute include?

The basic elements are vCPU, vRAM and vHDD.