Safety and quality guarantee

We regularly undergo quality management and security audits of digital services or Big Four audits, whether by suppliers or customers.

Keeping up with the latest trends in compliance

We are constantly deepening our certified procedural and contractual documentation, which keeps us abreast of the latest trends in compliance. We regularly train in new IT project management methodologies and services, which we incorporate into our internal procedures.

Our certificates

What procedures do we follow?

ISO 9001:2016

Thanks to the implementation of procedures according to the ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016 standard, it is possible to adapt the provided services to the needs of customers and to prevent potential risks associated with the quality of the services provided.
More about the standard

ISO/IEC 27001:2014

Measures adopted according to the ISO/IEC 27001:2014 standard pertain to setting up processes to ensure the internal information security of our organization and ensure compliance with regulations on cybersecurity and personal data protection.
More about the standard

ISO/IEC 27017:2017

The standard ISO/IEC 27017:2017 specifically addresses information security for cloud providers, specifically setting out processes for defining mutual responsibilities, contractual relationships, service setup and monitoring.
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ISO/IEC 27018:2017

The standard ISO/IEC 27018:2017 also covers information security for cloud providers and thus builds on the standard 27017:2017. The standard sets out processes for the protection of personal data when processed in a shared computing environment.
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PCI DSS Compliance

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard is a set of security standards in the banking industry whose main objective is to prevent the leakage of sensitive cardholder data during the processing of card transactions. PCI DSS is largely aligned with the processes of ISO/IEC 27001:2014, ISO/IEC 27017:2017 and ISO/IEC 27018:2017. The only difference is the focus on the integrity of the personnel, processes and computing technologies involved in operating the infrastructure that processes payment transactions.
More about the standard

ITIL compliance

We have decided not to certify the Information Technology Infrastructure Library as an ISO 20000 system, but to base it on a set of proven concepts and practices (i.e. Best Practices in IT). The operation of Support and helpdesk processes according to ITIL enables better management of customer requests and possible incidents in IT operations. Through incident categorization and follow-up processes, we are able to quickly detect incidents with overlapping impacts for multiple customers within a single service or for multiple services within the same computing infrastructure.