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Geetoo Disaster Recovery
What is Geetoo Disaster Recovery?
eetoo Disaster Recovery ensures maximum availability of your data. When your primary site fails, traffic is redirected and your services and applications run from the disaster recovery site – Geetoo Cloud.
Who is Geetoo Disaster Recovery for?
It is suitable for customers who require high availability of data and applications and cannot afford outages of minutes or hours. Disaster Recovery is suitable for companies with continuous operations, banks and other companies that care about maximum availability.
How does Geetoo Disaster Recovery work?
The customer operates its own on-premise infrastructure in its own data centre. Using special protocols, it connects to the Geetoo cloud and starts replicating its data and creating a duplicate infrastructure in the Geetoo cloud. If there is an outage of the primary site, the traffic is redirected to the Geetoo Cloud and the customer is not affected by the outage of the primary site.
What is the most common use case for using Geetoo Disaster Recovery?
The most common use of disaster recovery is as a secondary backup data center in the cloud. In the event of a failure of the primary site, services and applications are provided from this backup data center from the cloud.
What SLAs do you provide for Geetoo Redis?
We provide 99.99% SLA.
For what period of time can I purchase the product?
We offer the product for an indefinite duration, but for a minimum of one month.
How can I start using the product?
Please contact our sales department on +420 226 299 899 or by email at
Do you offer a demo environment?
Yes, we are happy to set up a free demo environment for you to try for 14 days. The demo environment can then be seamlessly transitioned to the production version.
What disaster recovery technology do you use?
Veeam Backup & Replication software is used for data replication. This software provides a protocol for replicating data to the cloud.
Where is the data located?
We run the environment on our Geetoo cloud. We do not use the sites of global cloud providers for operations.
What infrastructure can be replicated using this service?
For Geetoo Disaster Recovery it is possible to use virtual server replication.
What virtualization platform do you support for virtual servers?
Virtual servers running on a VMware or HyperV hypervisor.
What is used to replicate data to the cloud?
With functionality implemented directly in Veeam software. The functionality is called Veeam Cloud Connect. Alternatively, we can provide replication using VMware Cloud Director Availability if the primary site is on a VMware hypervisor.
What is Cloud Connect?
It is a feature that enables data replication to the cloud, located directly in the Veeam Backup & Replication administration console.
Does a customer need to replicate their data even if they use Cloud Backup?
Yes, backup and Disaster Recovery are two different services. Disaster Recovery ensures operation in another location in the event of a primary side failure. The backup is used to protect the stored data and its safe handling.
What are the minimum and maximum product parameters?
We can implement the environment 1:1 to your current state. We do not limit you in any way.
Can I change the service parameters over time?
Yes, you can add or remove replicated VMs yourself.
What does the price of a product consist of?
You pay for the computing resources we hold for you within the Geetoo Cloud and for disk storage.
What financial models can I pay for the product in?
There are two basic financial models. We can provide the product on a monthly lump sum basis (i.e. you pay for the assigned resources each month). Or you can subscribe to the product once for a specific period of time.
Is there a charge for bandwidth to and from the cloud?
No. There is no charge for the transferred data.
Are IOPS counts on disk arrays charged?
No. There is no charge for IOPS consumed on disk arrays.
Do I need to use a software license to use the product?
Yes, Veeam Backup & Replication software must be used for data replication within Geetoo Disater RecoveryIn the case of replication using VMware Cloud Director, a Veeam Backup & Replication license is not required, however, VMware licenses are required and will be provided to you as part of the monthly service fee.
What should I do if I don’t have the software?
We can provide Veeam software as a service on a monthly basis.
Which version of Veeam Backup & Replication do you support?
All editions (Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus) are supported.
Is the Cloud Connect license separately chargeable?
No, we provide a free license with each backup instance.
How can you rent me a license?
We will lease licenses to you under the VCSP licensing program. This licensing model allows cloud providers to provide licenses to customers on a monthly rental basis. We can rent you all the licenses that are provided under the VCSP.
Can you also resell me Veeam licenses along with support?
Yes, we are a Veeam Reseller Partner. We can also resell licenses to you.